Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You never know where the Ole' McBride Christmas Card Photo Session might be! This year we were looking for somewhere to get out of the wind! YIKES Clancey was in town so we wanted to take advantage of that. Holy Cow, was the wind blowing we weren't going for that no hair around the face and squinty eye look...so we headed for the RV Primary School Atrium, heck ya! It looked perty tropical! hehehe Not tooooo Bad!


Bedie said...

oh my gosh I can't believe how long it has been since I have seen you guys. I think about you all the time. My kids just found my old cheer doll and laughed when they thought of me cheering ( I guess I laugh about it too) Your kids are so cute and big!!! I just wanted to say Hi. Hope all is well with you guys.