Tuesday, January 13, 2009

12/27/08 IT'S TUBING TIME....................
Headin' fer the hills brings on a whole new meaning. Especially when you take all yer REDNECK friends! Okay so things started out pretty good . Everyone caravaned up to Williams Valley Recreational Park - by Alpine, Az. David and Janet were in the lead, but for long, seems things were a bit slick and they ended up in the bar ditch, some of the members happily waiting and some not so happily waiting. Anyhow, after several attemps to pull him on the road with the other 3, 4-wheel drives in the carvan. Somehow i was volunteered to take all the kids on up the mountain. OKAY! Jen, Janet and all the kids piled in.

I drove "Carl" he took good care of us and we made it. Soon after here came the rest of the crew "all smiles"........sorta that nothing ventured......nothing gained kinda thing goin' on there--- like they'd conquered all .........ya know REAL Mountain Men.

What a great memory, The Boyds, the Murphy's,the Lunds, the Other Lunds, the McBrides and the Other McBrides. A big thanks to Grandpa Carl and Gary for the use of the 4 wheel drives we'd never of made it up the mountain in our 2 wheel drive. Friends, what would you do without them?