Sunday, November 1, 2009


We went Bowling for Desi's Birthday and HALLOWEEN!
Say hello to Alice in Wonderland and the Pea Pod. Perty cute if I do say so myself

Goooooooooooo NAYFL Cheerleaders

Mylea has enjoyed being a cheerleader for the NAYFL Football Program. She and her stunt group have been able to perfect the "1/2"
with a cradle catch. It was alot of fun. Ther are 14 girls on the squad and they have been asked to perform at the Superbowl " Cheer Expo" as they cheer on the RV Mighty Mites (thats 1st and 2nd graders) that will be playing for the championship! GO ELKS

Monday, October 19, 2009

A RODEO, RAFFLE, ROPING AND A TALENT SHOW....wheeew thats hard work!

What a day this October 10th was. OurRodeo Club hosted a benefit for the Rory Finch Family. Wow was this an amazing experience . Witnessing the whole community and all our Rodeo Families rally together in support of our Friends in their time of need. Over 90 contestants competed in the Rodeo and then donated their winnings back to the Finch Family. Community businesses donated all of the concession supplies that were sold in the concession stands and over 800 tickets were sold in the Motorcycle vs. Horse Challenge Raffle. I love this Valley and the examples of selflessness charity when our neighbors gather to support a good cause.

After a very long Rodeo day and well in to the night, Mylea still had to go to the local Talent Show. What would a family do without an Aunt Dez. She took her to the house helped Mylea wash off the Rodeo dirt, rehearsed the song and spiffed up her hair. Mylea had a great experience singing "Our Song" she did not win the contest but I am perty sure her grandpa Marlen was peekin' down a watchin' her with a big smile on his face. GREAT JOB MYLEA! We are sure proud of you!


Dickie Loaded up the boys and took them to Linden for the Labor Day ropings.
I think they had a good time. Clancey ended up winning 4th and Wes's heeler missed to win it!




Mylea ropes a few at Nanas. Dad gave her some last minute instructions and helped her down the arena. Mom and Wes turned her a few. Mylea even caught one. We had a great time. I THINK SHE IS HOOKED!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rustyn has a bath at gramma's

Two 1st's for Mylea at the Pioneer Days Rodeo
in St Johns. 1st in the Flag Race and 1st in the Ribbon Roping with Brother Wesley and Dad.
What a HOT, FUN and very long day. We headed back to RV for the RVRCE Jackpot that night.
Mylea won 3rd in the Barrels and 2nd in the Poles.

Who's that flying high in the DOME?

Dickie changed all the bulbs in the dome

Rustyn Thomas McBride's Blessing Day

Everyone made it but Clancey and Gramma McBride

Amanda, Wes and Rustyn McBride. Rustyn's Blessing Day.

Round Valley Rodeo 2009 Buddy and Dickie

Round Valley Rodeo 2009 Merr and Chemo


This weekend has been a very crazy one for the quick over view. Merrilea and Dickie decided they would run in the 4th of July Rodeo, SAY WHAT? yeah thats right. Last year was not very productive in the Rodeo Arena, Merr hardly rode at all with the reumatic fever keeping her home alot of the summer. They've been working to get ready, hitting jackpots and practicing at Nanas. They both ended up in the "slack" on Friday the 3rd. Merrilea was very excited and nervous..........(hey it's been 17 years ago since she ran the 4th) They arena was very muddy and ole' Chemo was not real excited , but they ran great and she was very happy to be a part of the Rodeo moment again. Dickie roped with Buddy and things just were not meant to be, Buddy broke out and Dickie legged up! It's all good though. The Family was there to cheer them on and I think that made it even more FUN and memorable. The Family headed to the Lunds that evening to decorate the Rodeo Club Float and be ready for the parade on Saturday! GREAT turn out lots of families were there to decorate. We all had a BIG laugh and enjoyed each others company on a cool Summer Evening. The parade was a good time. Rustyn rode in his 1st parade. Dickie got a little torturing as the truck that pulled the float had a sign on it that said.....
"Look who turned 50 oh what a thrill, he can hardly ride over the Hill" he just grinned a shook his head, and followed and roped the dummy for the whole parade route. The netest thing about the parade was later that day they announced " THE RVRCE won 2nd prize in the Parade". Everyone was excited. Finally made it to the Fire works, we head over to the Spr. Park, it gives you a straight shot to the Airport. Great Fun, Great Times and a perfect ending to a 4th of July weekend.

Jumpin Frogs Action

Wow what a fun Party for the Lady Softball Jumpin' Frogs. Mylea has participated on a great team this Spring. We attended the Banquet and all the girls received awards and a trophy this season they went 11-1 WOW! Mylea received the " Miss Pump Up and Most Aggressive" player . She was very excited and we had a great time helping with the Team throught outthe season.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Where the Hell is Quemado, New Mexico

I know this photo doesn't look like much
but Merr ran her first Barrel Race in 1968 on ole' Shorty here at the old Quemado New Mexico Arena. WOW you've come along way baby. They rebuilt the Arena this past year 2009 and we took Mylea to a Jr Rodeo there. We had a great time with the Penrods, and the Lunds. We hooked up our 3 Canopy's together and made your own bleachers. Lots of Laughs and memories.

All the way to Quemado New Mexico for a A Jr Rodeo. Mylea
and Leaf Getter were AWESOME they won 3rd in the
Barrel Racing and 4th in Flag Racing.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rustyn Thomas McBride

Moving on into Grandparenthood?

Whoa and I do mean whoa! Richard and I are a bit overwhelmed with this new chapter that has been opened up in our lives this past week. Words cannot explain how we feel as reality sets in and we look at little Rustyn Thomas McBride. Emotions run wild as we recap the week and cannot believe how wonderful this small little person has changed all our lives in less than 1 week. Well done Amanda and Wes! Stay tuned for pictures.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lyman Lake Fun

The Murphys and the Rogers met up with us at Lyman Lake for a Afternoon of fun, Food and Fishing. the weather was great and the dogs enjoyed the go Luna!

We took the Roping Dummy too. Wes caught a huge catfish and we hauled him home to the ranch. He must not of been as excited as we were, we never got him to the Pond. He died in the horse drinker. dummer.....We are so lucky to have neat place less than 15 minutes away. We are trying to enjoy more that is right in our back yard. Watch out Casa Malipais we are headed there for the 4th of July and hey it's only 10 minutes away!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Look who showed up at the 1 Acre Ranch.......Terry Stratton!
Wow ! Mylea is trying this horse that Terry's girls have out
grown. Mylea and Terry are getting along GREAT! We hope
to see fast things in the Arena this Summer. Thanks Terry!


WAHOO! Cliff Diving at it's finest. Level I Mylea , Level II Tanner and Level III Cordell. The lunds and the McBrides headed for a picnic to the BLUE a couple of weeks a go. The kids had a blast swimming and fishing.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Mylea and Porsha, Leaf Getter and new friend
Cassie from Utah have a ride and Mylea tries out her new saddle.

Mylea picks up her new saddle from Cowbyo Up. She ordered it and saved enough money from the 2008 Rodeo Seasonto buy it. She is very excited to take it for a spin. Check out that green seat and green bling WOOOO!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Addition and some really good HELP!

The 1 Acre Ranch welcomes the 1st of 9 calves to be born. We started thie whole Correinte Herd to have heifers to rope and raise a few calves.
Things are not starting out the way we planned this year.......the first born is a BULL CALF.........think we'll just change our name to the 1 Acre Ranch
McBrides Bucking Bulls.

Jamie and Max went along for the ride. They were very excited to ride in the 3 wheeler trailer..................but the mama cows weren't quite as happy to see them!

Who was that Interviewing everyone with a water bottle?

Clancey showed up for the "Mystery Routine" and all the kids from College to put on an AWESOME performance. The kids all loved him as he interviewed every class with........yes,

a water bottle. You'd not of known it was a water bottle the kids were laughing so hard!

Gymnastic ROCKS OUT to High School Musical

The Gymnastic Recital was a great success. With over 115 kids performing, things went perty smooth. What a Fun time for everyone! Great Music, talented kids and alot of adult supervision equals a Super Show for a packed Auditorium.
Thanks EVERYONE for making it possible.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Basketball season has hit YIKES. Little League that is! Mylea is loving it. Yes that is right # 7 has got a little game .....................she may be the 2nd shortest on the team, but is a ball stealin' machine. She stole the ball 5 times at tonights game. Got 5 shots off and even dribbled down the court left handed. Mylea has yet to score, but is having a great time being a basketball player..... WAHOO! Goooo Bobcats!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Year | New Additions

Let me introduce you to the newest members of our family. that is Jaime on the right yep she's a queensland heeler and already fetches the ball like it was her job. That is Maxy on the left, oh Mylea just corrected me Max A. Million. He is a chaweenie. They are keeping us busy and sure burn a lot of energy. Wish they'd give me some! They both have gone for an unexspected swim in the Gold Fish Ponds in the back yard! It is true dogs know how to swim. We are looking forward to the warm weather so we can play alot with them outside.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Looks like it will possibly be a white Christmas. We've gotton some storms lately and the weather is predicting snow Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve and Clancey and Kody are on their way home from School in the Valley . We all gathered at our House- we packed 20 people in our little house what fun that was! Everybody brought a guest , some related and some not. We plugged in the 2008 family DVD that Wes and I put together each year, ate Ham and potatos with all the fixins. We paused for a some very special moments on the reflection of the Savior. Everyone seemed to love it! Then onto Playing Rummy all night, tons of laughing, opend a few presents and then the Lunds arrived for a fun visit as Clancey and koday arrived YIKES the little house must of been buldging! hehehe The Party broke up around 1:30 a.m. " as the visions of sugar plums tried t ostart dancing in our heads" the wind really picked up outside, "dad stepped out the back to see what was the matter " Our neighbors siding on their house seemed to be on fire. Clancey and Dickie got slippered up and headed over across the street...Shawna Wards "ashes" she had setout earlier that day were sparking like crazy trying to catch her home on fire. The ole' water hose was found and quickly put out. .....................that sorta brought back a few nightmares! All ws well and no moe was hurt wahoo! What more can you ask for at Christmas time - good food, family and friends! Mylea is not sure what to do with her "all grown-up family" but she loved every minute of the whole deal!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

12/27/08 IT'S TUBING TIME....................
Headin' fer the hills brings on a whole new meaning. Especially when you take all yer REDNECK friends! Okay so things started out pretty good . Everyone caravaned up to Williams Valley Recreational Park - by Alpine, Az. David and Janet were in the lead, but for long, seems things were a bit slick and they ended up in the bar ditch, some of the members happily waiting and some not so happily waiting. Anyhow, after several attemps to pull him on the road with the other 3, 4-wheel drives in the carvan. Somehow i was volunteered to take all the kids on up the mountain. OKAY! Jen, Janet and all the kids piled in.

I drove "Carl" he took good care of us and we made it. Soon after here came the rest of the crew "all smiles"........sorta that nothing ventured......nothing gained kinda thing goin' on there--- like they'd conquered all .........ya know REAL Mountain Men.

What a great memory, The Boyds, the Murphy's,the Lunds, the Other Lunds, the McBrides and the Other McBrides. A big thanks to Grandpa Carl and Gary for the use of the 4 wheel drives we'd never of made it up the mountain in our 2 wheel drive. Friends, what would you do without them?

You never know where the Ole' McBride Christmas Card Photo Session might be! This year we were looking for somewhere to get out of the wind! YIKES Clancey was in town so we wanted to take advantage of that. Holy Cow, was the wind blowing we weren't going for that no hair around the face and squinty eye we headed for the RV Primary School Atrium, heck ya! It looked perty tropical! hehehe Not tooooo Bad!