With FALL comes Soccer Season , Clancey at MCC and Mylea with the Sting Rays of RV. Myleas team was undeafeated this year as she scored 12 goals for the Season.
She was the oldest on her team............next year she'll be the youngest and start all over. Clancey on the other hand, still flipping around has 2 Goals thus far and 4 assists 2 of them on the Flip Throw-In They have not won too many games this year, but he really likes his coach and says the team is waay more unified. Dickie and I have spent the last 6 Saturdays along with Wes and Amanda at one Soccer field or another! Wes and Amanda's dog LUNA entertained the kids at the 1/2 times fetching the ball. Some games there were 1/2 a dozen kids sitting with us hoping to get a chance to throw the ball for Luna..............yes, we know LUNA you loved every minute of it!
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