Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Addition and some really good HELP!

The 1 Acre Ranch welcomes the 1st of 9 calves to be born. We started thie whole Correinte Herd to have heifers to rope and raise a few calves.
Things are not starting out the way we planned this year.......the first born is a BULL CALF.........think we'll just change our name to the 1 Acre Ranch
McBrides Bucking Bulls.

Jamie and Max went along for the ride. They were very excited to ride in the 3 wheeler trailer..................but the mama cows weren't quite as happy to see them!

Who was that Interviewing everyone with a water bottle?

Clancey showed up for the "Mystery Routine" and all the kids from College to put on an AWESOME performance. The kids all loved him as he interviewed every class with........yes,

a water bottle. You'd not of known it was a water bottle the kids were laughing so hard!

Gymnastic ROCKS OUT to High School Musical

The Gymnastic Recital was a great success. With over 115 kids performing, things went perty smooth. What a Fun time for everyone! Great Music, talented kids and alot of adult supervision equals a Super Show for a packed Auditorium.
Thanks EVERYONE for making it possible.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Basketball season has hit YIKES. Little League that is! Mylea is loving it. Yes that is right # 7 has got a little game .....................she may be the 2nd shortest on the team, but is a ball stealin' machine. She stole the ball 5 times at tonights game. Got 5 shots off and even dribbled down the court left handed. Mylea has yet to score, but is having a great time being a basketball player..... WAHOO! Goooo Bobcats!