Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Looks like it will possibly be a white Christmas. We've gotton some storms lately and the weather is predicting snow Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve and Clancey and Kody are on their way home from School in the Valley . We all gathered at our House- we packed 20 people in our little house what fun that was! Everybody brought a guest , some related and some not. We plugged in the 2008 family DVD that Wes and I put together each year, ate Ham and potatos with all the fixins. We paused for a some very special moments on the reflection of the Savior. Everyone seemed to love it! Then onto Playing Rummy all night, tons of laughing, opend a few presents and then the Lunds arrived for a fun visit as Clancey and koday arrived YIKES the little house must of been buldging! hehehe The Party broke up around 1:30 a.m. " as the visions of sugar plums tried t ostart dancing in our heads" the wind really picked up outside, "dad stepped out the back to see what was the matter " Our neighbors siding on their house seemed to be on fire. Clancey and Dickie got slippered up and headed over across the street...Shawna Wards "ashes" she had setout earlier that day were sparking like crazy trying to catch her home on fire. The ole' water hose was found and quickly put out. .....................that sorta brought back a few nightmares! All ws well and no moe was hurt wahoo! What more can you ask for at Christmas time - good food, family and friends! Mylea is not sure what to do with her "all grown-up family" but she loved every minute of the whole deal!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

12/27/08 IT'S TUBING TIME....................
Headin' fer the hills brings on a whole new meaning. Especially when you take all yer REDNECK friends! Okay so things started out pretty good . Everyone caravaned up to Williams Valley Recreational Park - by Alpine, Az. David and Janet were in the lead, but for long, seems things were a bit slick and they ended up in the bar ditch, some of the members happily waiting and some not so happily waiting. Anyhow, after several attemps to pull him on the road with the other 3, 4-wheel drives in the carvan. Somehow i was volunteered to take all the kids on up the mountain. OKAY! Jen, Janet and all the kids piled in.

I drove "Carl" he took good care of us and we made it. Soon after here came the rest of the crew "all smiles"........sorta that nothing ventured......nothing gained kinda thing goin' on there--- like they'd conquered all .........ya know REAL Mountain Men.

What a great memory, The Boyds, the Murphy's,the Lunds, the Other Lunds, the McBrides and the Other McBrides. A big thanks to Grandpa Carl and Gary for the use of the 4 wheel drives we'd never of made it up the mountain in our 2 wheel drive. Friends, what would you do without them?

You never know where the Ole' McBride Christmas Card Photo Session might be! This year we were looking for somewhere to get out of the wind! YIKES Clancey was in town so we wanted to take advantage of that. Holy Cow, was the wind blowing we weren't going for that no hair around the face and squinty eye we headed for the RV Primary School Atrium, heck ya! It looked perty tropical! hehehe Not tooooo Bad!